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4 Ways to Say “I Like You” In Irish Gaelic

Do you want to learn how to say I like you in Irish Gaelic?

Affection has a special way of going beyond words, allowing us to communicate with one another on a far more profound level. Gaeilge, the Irish language, has numerous charmingly original expressions of love. This is a lovely language to learn in search of the perfect words to convey your deepest feelings.

All the different ways to say “I like you” in Irish Gaelic are here, so if you’ve ever wanted to wow someone with an expression of admiration or wished to deepen your connection via the power of words, now’s your chance.

Whether you’re smitten by a special someone or just want to express your appreciation to a close friend, mastering the various Irish Gaelic expressions for “I like you” will provide an air of mystery and affection to your conversations.

4 Ways to Say “I Like You” In Irish Gaelic

4 Ways to Say "I Like You" In Irish Gaelic

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How to say “I like you” in Irish Gaelic

Several Irish Gaelic expressions for “I like you” are provided below, complete with phonetic pronunciation guides and brief grammatical explanations.

1. Tá grá agam duit. (Taw graw ah-gum dit) – I like you

How to say "I like you" in Irish Gaelic

The literal translation of this phrase is “I have love for you.” This means that the speaker has strong feelings of affection towards the person they are addressing. It’s also a beautiful expression of admiration. In Irish Gaelic, the word “grá” translates to “love” or “affection,” while “tá agam” means “I have”.

This phrase is commonly used in everyday conversation and can be a great way to express your feelings towards someone or something.

2. Is breá liom tú. (Iss brah lyum too) – I really like you/I adore you.

How to say "I like you" in Irish Gaelic

This phrase isn’t merely romantic, but also expresses a profound sense of affection and admiration. If you want to express your love or adoration towards someone in Irish, you can say “Is breá liom” which translates to “I love” or “I adore.”

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The word “tú” is the Irish word for “you.” So, when you say “Is maith liom tú,” you are expressing that you like or have a favorable opinion of the person you are speaking to.

3. Tá cion agam ort. (Taw kyun ah-gum ort) – have affection for you

How to say "I like you" in Irish Gaelic

The word “cion” in this context refers to a feeling of liking or affection, while “tá agam” translates to “I have.” So, when you say “Tá cion agam ort,” you’re essentially saying “I have affection for you” or “I like you.”

Meanwhile, the word “Ort” can be translated to both “on you” and “for you” This word has its roots in Old English and has been used for centuries to convey the idea of something being placed on or given to someone.

4. Tá grá agam duitse. (Taw graw ah-gum dit-sheh)

How to say "I like you" in Irish Gaelic

This version is very similar to “Tá grá agam duit.” However, the word “duitse” has been substituted for the word “duit.” The meaning is unaltered, except that “duitse” denotes “for you” in a manner that places greater stress on the phrase.

Note that in Irish Gaelic, the verb always comes before the subject (save in questions and negative statements). Irish also has mutations, which cause some sounds to shift depending on the surrounding words.

When to say “I Like You” in Irish Gaelic

Depending on the context, saying “I Like You” in Irish Gaelic might be an expression of love, admiration, or simple approval.

As with any language, the context and familiarity of your connection will determine how and when you say “I like you” in Irish Gaelic. It’s crucial to evaluate your relationship with the person and the circumstances around the use of such statements.

Here are some examples of when this term is typically used:

● Saying “I like you” in Irish Gaelic can be a sweet and sincere way to express your feelings for a special someone in a romantic relationship. It can be used as a conversation starter or as a way to communicate your affection.

● The phrase “I like you” can be used to show your gratitude for a friend in Irish Gaelic just as it does in English. It’s a gesture that demonstrates your appreciation for their friendship and the time spent in your company.

● In various situations, whether professional or casual, the phrase “I like you” can be used to indicate a favorable opinion of another person. Use this phrase to politely express your admiration for someone, whether it be a colleague whose work you admire or a friend whose skills or characteristics you admire.