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How To Say Happy Birthday In Irish Gaelic

Do you want to learn how to say Happy Birthday in Irish Gaelic? 

Do you have friends in Ireland that you want to impress by learning about their native language? You must have wondered how to wish someone a happy birthday in Irish and you wanted to surprise them.

Since we are also fascinated with the beautiful Irish language, we came up with this guide on how to wish someone a happy birthday in Irish. You will learn how to wish someone a happy birthday while taking into account the culture to make it more meaningful.

How To Say Happy Birthday In Irish Gaelic

Happy Birthday In Irish

Related Read: Irish Birthday Blessings: 52 Birthday Wishes And Toasts To Choose From

Irish Birthdays

Happy Birthday In Irish


The zeal and excitement with which Irish people celebrate birthdays are unparalleled. No one else comes close. This is why they’ll surely appreciate it if you express your affection for your Irish friends and relatives in a variety of different ways. The first and foremost is to convey your best birthday wishes to them in their lovely native tongue.

In addition to that, you may sing them some fun celebratory Irish songs. You can make their big day special and unforgettable by doing either of these two things or both. You will also have the opportunity to learn something new in a different language that is also an important part of their culture.

Irish Birthday Blessings (Greetings)

Happy Birthday In Irish


A traditional Irish birthday blessing has historical origins, as do those of other nations. It’s a great way to lighten the mood, send good vibes, give a present (of words), or just make someone chuckle on their special day.

Whatever the case may be, you will discover a wonderful collection of Irish birthday blessings here. Use them any way you like: verbally, in writing (on napkins, invitations, greeting cards, etc.), you get the picture.

How To Say ‘Happy Birthday In Irish Gaelic

Happy Birthday In Irish

Understand that there are two options for wishing someone a happy birthday. Two terms can be used to mean “birthday” in Irish: Lá breithe; or Breithlá.

Happy Birthday to you!La Breithe Shona Dhuit!
This is how you wish somebody a happy birthday in Irish, and this is pronounced as Law breh-ha shun-ah ditch.

Happy Birthday to you!Breithlá shona duit
Another way to wish someone a happy birthday in Irish. This is pronounced as Breh-law shun-ah ditch.

Happy birthday (plural)Lá breithe sona daoibh
This is the plural version of ‘happy birthday in Irish if you’re addressing twins or multiple people who share the same birthday. This is pronounced as Law breh-ha sun-ah deev.

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Birthday Wishes in Irish
Speaking of Irish birthday blessings, you may also say the following after La Breithe Shona Dhuit or Breithlá shona duit.

Good health to youSláinteSlawn-cha

May you have the health of the salmon. – Sláinte an bhradáin agat.

May we be alive at this time next year.Go mbeire muid beo ar an am seo aris!

Birthday Song in Irish

Happy Birthday In Irish

If you really want to do something extra special for a loved one or close friend of yours, consider singing the “happy birthday” song in Irish. In addition to wishing the person, you care about a happy birthday in Irish, singing the Irish version of the happy birthday song is an enjoyable addition to the celebration.

The only difference is that they sing it in Irish rather than English, which is sure to bring a smile to their face.

If you want to sing along, the words are as follows:

Lá breithe sona duit,
lá breithe sona duit,
lá breithe sona duit a *name*,
lá breithe sona duit”

This translates to:

Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday to *name*
Happy birthday to you!”

The Irish lyrics are pronounced as:

Law breh-ha hun-ah ditch – Lá breithe shona duit
Law breh-ha hun-ah ditch – Lá breithe shona duit
Law breh-ha hun-ah [name] – Lá breithe shona [name]
Law breh-ha hun-ah ditch – Lá breithe shona duit